Latest News
Vacation - Studio Closed
June 15 - July 5, 2009
Aug 20 - 24, 2009
Dec 24, 2009 - Jan 4, 2010
New Projects Coming
Once Upon a Time Vol 2 CD
Trick or Treet Street Sndtrk
Emperor's New Clothes Sndtk
Kansans Kan! Documentary
to our website
Most of our work is in conjunction with KMR Scripts, our sister company-- but we are also available to do out-of-house projects as our time permits. We will soon have photos of our studio and an inventory list of our available equipment. Keep checking our website for details.
About Us
Another Project Studio?
As a singing composer, Kevin Reese has been recording
his own compositions and vocals for over 15 years.
He just decided to help other artists record tracks for
their own projects. Whether voice-over, music,
narration or ambiance-- KMR Studio (get it? Kevin
M Reese = KMR) can help.